Start from 1 and reach the Target Number before you run out of turns. You can only Double or add One More to the current number.
Target Number:
Turns Left:
Want a harder puzzle? Try a higher target.
Did you figure out the strategy to solve this puzzle? Now ponder these questions:
What is the biggest number you can make with 'Double or One More' in 10 turns? What is the smallest?
Is it possible to make any Target Number by starting at 1 and just using 'Double or One More'? How about 58, 79, 21, 345, 1487, 659109?
Did you find some Target Numbers easier to reach than others? Why are some numbers easier and some harder? What kind of numbers are easier targets?
Try setting a puzzle like this to challenge your friends. What Target Number will you choose? How many turns will you give them?
Pick a Target Number. Let's say 215. Is there an easy way to figure out exactly how many turns will be needed to reach it using 'Double or One More'?
Sometimes it is useful to think backwards. Try to think back from the target number.
Let's say the target number is 35. Instead of thinking what the first move should be, let's think what could the last move be? Could the last move be a 'Double'? Could it be 'One More'?
Once you have figured out the last move, you now have a new smaller target to reach. You already know how to reach 35 from that number.